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Treasury loses nearly £300m in spirits tax revenue

Published:  22 August, 2024

New figures from HM Revenue and Customs reveal the Treasury has lost close to £300m in tax revenue from Scotch whisky and other spirits following Jeremy Hunt’s significant tax increase last August.


Trade reflects on ‘mixed-bag’ Autumn Statement

Published:  27 November, 2023

Following rumours of a second duty hike in line with inflation, the government quelled fears by announcing a freeze on alcohol duty in the Autumn Statement last week.


Wet October softens growth for hospitality

Published:  15 November, 2023

Britain’s leading hospitality groups saw year-on-year growth slow to 3.2% in October amid widespread poor weather, the new CGA RSM Hospitality Business Tracker reveals.


How the Drinks trade reacted to The Budget

Published:  17 November, 2022

In today’s Autumn Statement (17 November 2022), Chancellor Jeremy Hunt made a few announcements regarding business taxes, but there was no mention of alcohol duty, much to the frustration of the drinks trade.


WSTA pens letter to Chancellor opposing alcohol duty u-turn

Published:  15 November, 2022

Over 100 business executives from across the alcohol industry have signed a letter written to the Times calling on the Chancellor to bring back the freeze on alcohol duty.